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Form 3 English Paper 2 End of Term 3 Examination 2022

Class: Form 3

Subject: English

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

TERM 3 (2022)
Time: 2 ½ hours
Name…………………………………………………………………………………….Adm. No.................
- The exam has FOUR sections.
- All the sections are compulsory.
- Write your answers in space provided.
- The exam carries 80 marks.

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
On any given Sunday, all across the world, churches are likely to have more women in their pews than men. Some estimates place the so-called “gender gap” in American churches at 61 percent women. That means that every Sunday there are millions more women attending church than men. There are several theories put forward to account for why, comparatively, there are so few men attending church. One theory is that the church’s teachings, emphasizing humility, holiness, and introspection, are seen by some men as “weak” or somehow less than masculine. Men are seeking to be challenged with “bold” messages of adventure, danger, and aggressiveness which the homilies fail to inspire. Finding the right activities to attract and keep men is also a challenge for many churches. Some congregations make an extra effort to provide times of fellowship and bonding for men by adding hunting expeditions, fishing trips, mountain climbing sports, … to their schedules. Another theory is that many churches, by omission or commission, create a feminine atmosphere with their décor. Floral arrangements, pastel colours, frilly curtains, and pictures of passive, pastoral scenes make for a peaceful ambiance, but they tend to make men feel a disconnect with their churches. Some churches attempt to appeal to masculine sensibilities by changing their décor to something edgier, darker, more robust, and less nurturing. Another explanation for why there are so few men in church has to do with the stereotypical masculine ego. Men are naturally self-reliant, headstrong, and proud, the theories go, and are therefore naturally more resistant to the divine call to humility and submission. The gospel confronts our need, and men are often averse to admitting neediness. There are other hypotheses, such as upbringing. Most men were reared by fathers who did not attend church services and so have no role model for masculine involvement in a church. There is the suggestion that men, the traditional breadwinners, are too busy working—or enjoying their day off work—to commit to a church. And overly sentimental church music is sometimes mentioned as something that keeps men away, too. There might be a grain of truth in each of these theories, but none of them fully explain the gender gap in modern churches. No one rejects church simply because of frilly curtains or a sappy song; there is most likely a deeper problem. Men avoid church for a variety of reasons, and church leaders should be aware of those possible reasons as they reach out to young men, husbands, and fathers. Men should be challenged to emulate the heroes of the faith—robust men such as Moses, Elijah, and Peter. The Christian life should be presented as the adventure it truly is. And we should pray that God would increase the number of men who recognize their God-given responsibilities and who are unafraid to commit their talents and service to a local church.
(Adapted from The Mirror; May, 2019)
a) According to paragraph one, what percentage of men are said to attend church on Sunday? (1mark)
b) From paragraph two, what can you deduce is the feeling of the men towards religious messages? (3marks)
c) In what ways can the church be made to attract more men on Sundays? (2marks)
d) Explain the irony of ambience as referred to in the passage (2marks)
e) What in the passage suggests that the theories may be erroneous? (1mark)
f) The gospel confronts our need, and men are often averse to admitting neediness. (Rewrite beginning: Men…) (1 mark)
g) Why do you think Moses, Elijah and Peter are mentioned in this passage?(3 marks)
h) Of what significance is humour in this passage? (3marks)
i) Give the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage. (4marks)
1. masculine sensibilities
2. stereotypical
3. grain of truth
4. sappy song

Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow
Nora: I don’t believe that any longer. I believe that before all else I am a reasonable human being, just as you are- at all events, that I must try and become one. I know quite well, Torvald that most people would think you are right, and the views of that kind are to be found in books; but I can nolonger content myself with what most people say, or with what is found in books. I must think over things for myself and get to understand them.
Helmer: Can you not understand your place in your own home? Have you not a reliable guide in such matters as that? - have you no religion?
Nora: I am afraid, Torvald, I don’t not exactly know what religion is.
Helmer: What are you saying?
Nora: I know nothing but what the clergyman said when I went to be confirmed. He told us that religion was this and that, and the other. When I am away from all this, and I am alone, I will look into that matter too. I will see if what the clergyman said is true, or at all events if it is true for me.
Helmer: This is unheard of in a girl of your age! But if religion cannot lead you right, let me try and awaken your conscience. I suppose you have some moral sense? Or- answer me- am I to think you have none?
Nora: I assure you, Torvald that is not an easy question to answer. I really don’t know.
The thing perplexes me altogether. I only know that you and I look at it in a quite different light. I am learning too, that the law is quite another thing from what I suppose; but I find it quite impossible to convince myself that the law is right. According to it a woman has no right to spare her old dying father, or to save her husband’s life. I can’t believe that.
Helmer:You talk like a child. You don’t understand the conditions of the world in which you live.
Nora: No, I don’t. But now I am going to try. I am going to see if I can make out who is right, the world or I.
1. Place the excerpt in its immediate context. 6 marks
2. Discuss any two character traits of Helmer in this extract 4 marks
3. Give evidence that Nora is an assertive character 3 marks
4. From elsewhere in the play, how is Nora portrayed in a different light? 2 marks
5. I do not exactly know what religion is. ( Add a question tag) 1 mark
6. In what way does Nora conflict with the law? 3 marks
7. Discuss one major issue of concern addressed in the excerpt 2 marks
8. What is the meaning of the following words; 4 marks
i. Religion
ii. Clergyman
iii. Conscious
iv. Perplexes

Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)
Long, long time ago animals and birds spoke just like men do. When God had to stop them speaking, he made birds sin, like this chrrip! Chrrip……… Lions to roar like this graagh! Graagh! And hyenas to howl like this huuu! Huuu! And do you blame God? Listen to what naughty hyena who had gone two days without any meat did. He had been wondering up and down the hills when he suddenly stopped, nose in the air, one foot raised. Do I smell, eh…………smell food? He slowly raised his head to the skies as if to say, “Please God, let me find some food, even one rotting bone will do.” Slowly, he followed the smell, sniffing hard, stopping now and again, over grinning wider as the smell became stronger. “Here at last”, He said as he came in sight of a calf that seemed dead, flies buzzing over its excrement. “God, no time to waste. Who knows the owner may be around. Oh, no, 3 see it is secured to a tree with a “Mukwa” I’ll take my time. Ha, I am tired too, come to think of it. God gave us pretty strong senses of smell, generous old…… man. Still I do think some people tend to exaggerate, now who was it saying the other day ‘ati’ God is the giver of everything and that we should be grateful. O.K. Tell me, did God give this calf? Did you God? I found it myself, smelled my way there, all the way. Nice calf too, rather thin but it will do. I’ll take the head home and make soup with herbs. I especially like ‘muthathii’, and I see one over there. OK. Here we go, where shall I start, this lovely neck? No, I know, I will start with the ‘mukwa’ then I’ll get on to the soft stuff, the tail, the rump, ‘Mahu’……….” After chewing up half of the ‘mukwa’ the hyena brushed his teeth with the twig of a ‘muthiga’ a tree of stimulate his appetite. He stepped on the calf’s tail, stuffed it in his mouth and ‘snap’ it went. The calf which was only very sick and tired shot up and bolted away in the twinkling of an eye. The hyena rubbed his eyes, ambled after the disappearing calf and soon fell down in exhaustion. He looked up again to the heaven, tried to speak but no words came. Hyenas have never been able to speak ever since……..
(a) Categorize this narrative and give a reason for your classification. (2 marks)
(b) Identify and explain two characteristics of oral narratives evident in this story. (4 marks)
(c) Describe two character traits of the hyena as depicted in the narrative. (4 marks)
(d) Identify one economic aspect of the community described in this narrative and give a reason for your answer. (2 marks)
(e) What moral lesson do we learn from this narrative? (2 marks)
(f) Give a proverb with the same moral lesson as this narrative. (1 mark)
(g) If you are asked to go and collect this story in the field, state:
(i) Three things you would do before the actual field trip. (3 marks)
(ii) Two problems you are likely to encounter. (2 marks)

1. Identify the type of sentences below. (3 marks)
a. The article which was published last month is out of stock.
b. The guards stopped marching and they started running when they heard the bang from the hall.
c. They were willing to assist the man, but the doctors’ report came in quite late.
2. Combine the following sentences using adjectival clauses. (2 marks)
a. The man employed my brother. The man has a business at the central market.
b. The orange are very sweet. We bought the oranges yesterday
3. State whether the adjectives in the following sentences have been used attributively or predicatively. (4 marks)
a. The short man was nominated by the party leader.
b. The car Jeff bought is beautiful.
c. Bad manners ruined his chances of joining his dream university.
d. The big tree was cut down.
4. Use the appropriate adjectival quantifier to fill in the blank spaces below.( 3 marks)
i. The abandoned the trip because they had ______________money left.
ii. He has ________________friends that he can count on.
iii. There was _____________work to do, so I earned some money.
5. Correct the following sentences replacing the gender bias words with a neutral one (3 marks)
i. A student should finish his homework in the evening.
ii. She was appointed the chairman of the women’s association.
iii. Policemen are expected to provide security in the country.


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