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Form 2 English End of Term 3 Examination 2022

Class: Form 2

Subject: English

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

TERM 3 (2022)
Time: 2 ½ hours
Name……………………………………………….……... Adm No………..........................
Class……………………….. Signature……….…………. Date ………….………………...
(a) Write your Name and Adm Number in the spaces provided.
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
(c) Answer all questions in this paper.
(d) All your answers must be written in the spaces provided.
(e) This paper consists of 10 printed pages.
(f) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
(g) Candidates must answer all the questions in English.
The paper consists of six sections as follows

You are the secretary of the ST JOHN‟S CLUB in your school. The club is planning for a funds drive to buy the THE FIRST AID KIT.
a) Design an invitation card to be used for the purpose of inviting guests to the occasion. ( 8mks)
b) Your friend had invited you to his birthday party which will be held on the same day as the fund drive. Write him a letter telling him that you will be engaged on that day, and therefore you will not be in a position to attend the party. (12mks)
Read the following passage carefully, then answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)
The prevalence of diabetes in Kenya has more than doubled in the past three decades, accounting for 20 per cent of deaths in the country.
With a national prevalence rate of between 3 .1 per cent and 4.6 per cent (between 1.4 million and 2.1 million Kenyans), experts are warning that the cases are rising at an alarming rate.
Today, one in every 17 Kenyans has diabetes, and 12,890 people in the country died from both diabetes and high blood glucose in 2014.
A report jointly published by the World health Organization (WHO) and Lancet on World Health Day last year shows that the prevalence of diabetes in Kenya was six per cent in 2014, a 150 per cent rise from 2.4 per cent in 1980.
Globally, the number of adults with diabetes has almost quadrupled to 4.22 million in 2014 from 108 million in 1980, with most living in developing countries.
So alarming is the situation that during the launch of the first Global Report on Diabetes, WHO director general Margaret Chan called for action on diabetes, saying there was need to step up prevention and treatment of disease.
According to experts, sedentary lifestyles, stress, being overweight and obese are some of the factors driving this dramatic rise. However, some people, especially those in rural areas, are affected by diabetes as a result of their genetic make-up.
“People are also not getting screened as often as they should. Some are not getting screened at all despite the test being cheap,” said Dr. Eva Njenga, a diabetes specialist.
Experts note that the normal diabetes health advice – not smoking, eating healthy, and limiting alcohol intake – can help keep people healthy.
Dr. Njenga advises: “If you are not diabetic, ensure that you go for screening at least once a year. If any of the members of your family has diabetes, then you should be screened two to three times in a year, since you are genetically predisposed.”
Mr. Zachary Ndegwa, a programme officer at the division of non-communicable diseases, said there are only 50 diabetes clinics and at least 12 specialists (endocrinologists) in Kenya.
“As we speak, it can take up to six months after the first booking for a patient to start their routine check-up,” said Dr. Njenga.
Diabetes is a non-communicable disease in which the body‟s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal breakdown of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine.
The most common diabetes symptoms include frequent urination, intense thirst and hunger, weight gain, unusual weight loss, fatigue, cuts and bruises that do not heal, male sexual dysfunction, numbness and tingling in hands and feet.
If not controlled, diabetes has dire consequences including possibility of heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and for some, gangrene, leading to leg amputation.
(a) Name the WHO director general according to the passage. (1 mark)
(b) Define diabetes according to the passage. (3 marks)

(c) In note form list down the most common diabetes symptoms. (6 marks)

(d) State three factors that are driving the dramatic rise of diabetes according to experts. (3 marks)
(e) Mr. Zachary Ndegwa, a programme officer at the division of non-communicable diseases, said
there are only 50 diabetes clinics and at least 12 specialists in Kenya.
(Rewrite changing the sentence into direct speech) (1 mark)
(f) Identify three consequences of not controlling diabetes according to the passage. (3 marks)
(g) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (3 marks)
(i) screened
(ii) predisposed
(iii) non-communicable
A student in Mandera County 1________________________ history after scoring an A in last year‟s form four examination. Ibrahim Abdi Ali, a former student at Sheikh Ali Secondary School 2 __________________
the troubled Rhamu Sub-county, 3 ___________________________ 81 points. No Mandera student had
4 ___________________________ scored an A. Speaking at Tawfiq Secondary school where 5 ___________
has been a volunteer teacher, Ibrahim said it was by God‟s 6 _________________________ that he broke the record in the hardship 7____________________________ .“I challenge students to keep the fire 8 _________
since it has taken much perseverance to achieve this,” he said. Ibrahim said he 9__________________ _ out of school in Form Two due to lack of fees, 10____________________________the principal of Sheikh Ali came to his rescue.

a) Indicate whether the following sentences will have a Rising or a falling intonation. (4mks)
i. What did the two agree on?
ii. Did you see the summary?
iii. I have donated more blood.
iv. The farmer harvests much, doesn‟t he?
b) Give the meaning of the following sentences when the underlined words are stressed (3mks)
i. James read the novel.
ii. James read the novel.
iii. James read the novel.
c) For each of the underlined words, provide a word that is pronounced the same way. (3mks)
Why did the idlebridal party groan?

Read the song below and answer the questions that follow.
A Sudden Storm
The wind howls, the trees sway,
The loose house-top sheets clatter and clang,
The open window shuts with a bang,
And the sky makes night of the day.
Helter-skelter the parents run,
Pressed with a thousand minor cares:
„Hey,you there! Pack the house-wares!
And where on earth‟s my son?‟
Home skip the little children:
„Where have you been, you naughty boy?‟-
The child can feel northing but joy,
For he loves the approach of the rain.
The streets clear, the houses fill,
The noise gathers as children shout
To rival the raging wind without,
And naught that can move is still-
A bright flash! A lighted plain;
Then, from the once-black heavens,
Accompanied by noise that deafens,
Steadily pours the rain.
Pious Oleghe
(a) Explain what is happening in the poem before the rain pours. (4 Marks)
(b) Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem (4 Marks)
(i) The wind howls, the trees sway
(ii) And the sky makes night of the day
(iii) Helter-skelter the parents run
(iv) Pressed with a thousand minor cares
c) Identify and illustrate any stylistic devices used in the poem. (4 Marks)
d) From the poem, what suggests that the storm is violent. (2 Marks)
e) Explain the difference in the reaction between the old and the young to the coming rain. (4 mks)
(2 Marks)
f) Give the poem another title. ( 2 Marks)
1. Fill in the blank spaces using the past tense of the word in brackets (3mks)
a) The students _________________ assistance from the police after the attack.(seek)
b) The visitors _______________________us goodbye and left immediately.(Bid)
c) All the workers ______________________ their union dues through the bank (pay)
2. Use the plural form of the noun in brackets to fill in the blanks. (3mks)
a) They used the _________________________ to cultivate their farms. (ox)
b) The cattle rustlers ran down the ________________________.(valley)
c) The _____________________________ were very supportive.(mother- in -law)
3. Convert the following sentences into the passive voice. (4mks)
a. The principal rewarded the students
b. The visitor has been eating mangoes at the launch.
c. People believe that the sun goes round the earth.
d. We are going to clean all the classrooms in the afternoon.
4. Convert the following into reported speech.(3mks)
a) “Where were you yesterday?” the teacher asked Mary.
b) “I‟m feeling unwell,” said Joseph
c) “Jesus is the son of God,” says the Bible.
5. Join the following clauses into one sentence using the most suitable relative pronoun. (2mks)
a) I wrote an article
The article was published in the daily newspaper
. ..........................................................................................................................................................
b) Muna has bought a car
Muna works as a Barber
6. Choose the correct alternative from the brackets to complete the sentences. (3mks)
a) Those who sat __________________________ (infront, in front) rarely dozed.
b) When I left the room earlier, they were_______________________(altogether, all together)
c) All_____________________(except, accept,exempt) Njiru arrived on time.
7. Supply a suitable question tag. (2mks)
a) She likes going out.
b) Lend me your pen.


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