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Form 2 CRE End of Term 3 Examination 2022

Class: Form 2

Subject: CRE

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

Term 3 - 2022
Time: 2 Hours
Name: …………………………………………………………. AdmNo: ……………….
School: ……………………………………………………….. Class: …………………..
Signature: …………………………………………………….. Date: …………………...
1) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
2) This paper consists of five questions.
3) Answer all the five questions on the foolscaps provided.
4) Each question carries 20 marks.

1 a) Name six books from the General Epistles (6mks)
b) Describe the major translations of the bible ((7mks)
c) What were the effects of Bible translations on African languages? (7mks)

2 a) Describe how the Israelites crossed the red sea (6mks)
b) State the condition for the renewal of the covenant at Mt. Sinai (7mks)
c) Give the effects of idolatry in Israel (7mks)

3 a) Highlight the Jewish expectation of the messiah in the Old Testament (6mks)
b) Describe the baptism of Jesus (7mks)
c) What is the significance of the baptism of Jesus to Christians today (7mks)

4 a) Give the duties of a disciple as taught in St. Luke’s gospel (6mks)
b) State the teaching of Jesus on Watchfulness and readiness (7mks)
c) Narrate the parable of the great feast (7mks)

5 a) Outline the causes of death in Traditional African Society (7mks)
b) Give the role of the medicine women /men in the community (6mks)
c) State moral values that were observed in the African traditional society (7mks)


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