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Form 2 Agriculture Paper 2 End of Term 3 Examination 2022

Class: Form 2

Subject: Agriculture

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

Term 3 - 2022
Time: 2 Hours
Name: …………………………………………………………. AdmNo: ……………….
School: ……………………………………………………….. Class: …………………..
Signature: …………………………………………………….. Date: …………………...
 This paper consists to three sections A, B and C.
 Answer all questions in sections A and B.
 Answer any two questions in section C in the attached foolscaps.

Answer all the questions in this section.
1. Differentiate between pork and bacon. (1 mark)
2. What is a capon in agriculture? (1 mark)
3. Name one appropriate equipment used to administer liquid dewormer to calves. (1 mark)
4. State two features of indigenous cattle (Bos indicus) that make them more adaptable to tropical climates.
(2 marks)
5. Name two dairy goat breeds reared in Kenya. (2 marks)
6. Give the distinguishing features in each case between the following.
(a) Kenya white and Californian white. (1 mark)
(b) Large white and land race. (1 mark)
7. Give two examples of one host ticks. (1 mark)
8. List two types of concentrates. (1 mark)
9. Give four products obtained from rabbits. (2 marks)
10. Explain the term ―production ration‖ as used in livestock feeding. (1 mark)
11. Give four functions of calcium in dairy cow. (2 marks)
12. Differentiate between the following words used to refer to livestock. (2 marks)
(a) Bullock and steer.
(b) Gilt and sow
13. (a) Explain the meaning of the term ―digestibility‖ as used in livestock production.(1 mark)
(b) State two factors affecting digestibility. (2 marks)
14. State two methods of selection in livestock. (2 marks)
15. State four signs of heat in cows. (2 marks)
16. Name two methods of acaricide application onto cattle.
17. The diagram below shows the reproductive system of cow. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
(a) Name the parts labelled F and H. (1 mark)
F ___________________________________________________________________
(b) Give two functions of the part labelled G. (1 mark)
(c) Give the role of the part labelled J. (1 mark)
(d) Give two ways used to improve production in indigenous cattle. (1 mark)

Answer all the questions in this section.
18. A farmer intends to prepare 400kg of feed containing 20% DCP for chicks using feedstuff A, 12% DCP and feedstuff B 38% DCP. Using the Pearson’s square method, calculate how much of each feedstuff he would require. (5 marks)
19. (a) Label the diagram of a ruminant’ s stomach below fully. (2 marks)
(b)State one function for each of the parts labelled. (4 marks)
20. The illustration below shows a livestock parasite.
(a) Identify the parasite. (1 mark)
(b) Name two species of livestock the parasite infects. (2 marks)
(c) How is the parasite passed from livestock to human beings? (1 mark)
(d) Give two forms in which the parasite is found in livestock. (2 marks)
(e) State three control measures of this parasite. (4 marks)

Answer any two questions in this section.
21. (a) Describe the life cycle of a three-host tick. (8 marks)
(b)Discuss tick control methods. (9 marks)
(c)State three harmful effects of ticks in livestock. (3 marks)
22. Describe ten commonly used masonry tools and equipment in construction of farm structures stating their use. (20 marks)
23. (a) Discuss the importance of the following nutrients, minerals and vitamins in livestock nutrition.
(i)minerals (4 marks)
(ii)Vitamins (8 marks)
(b)Give the differences between ruminants and non-ruminants. (8 marks)


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