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Form 3 History and Government Paper 2 End of Term 2 Examination 2022

Class: Form 3

Subject: History and Government

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

Name…………………………………………………………………. Adm No………………
Answer all question in this section.
1. Identify one specific tool invented by Homo Sapiens that greatly improved his way of life (1mk)
2. Identify the term used to refer to animal and plant remains found by Charles Darwin (1mk)
3. Identify two sub species of the Homo Sapiens (2mks)
4. Why is the period of early man referred to as Stone Age? (1mk)
5. Name the famous building in Athens built in honour of the goddess Athena (1mk)
6. Who discovered penicillin? (1mk)
7. State two advantages of using bicycles as a mode of transport (2mks)
8. State two factors responsible for the decline of Merowe as an urban centre (2mks)
9. Identify the title given to the state kings in the Asante Kingdom (1mk)
10. Give the main advantage of the cell phone (1mk)
11. Identify two treaties that Lewanika of the Lozi signed with the British (2mks)
12. Which European leader was responsible for convening of the Berlin conference 1884 – 1885? (1mk)
13. Give two strategies employed by SamoriToure in his war of resistance against the French (2mks)
14. Apart from river Congo, name the river that was declared free to all Europeans for navigation at the Berlin conference (1mk)
15. What was the main contribution of religion in the Majimaji uprising against German rule in Tanganyika? (1mk)
16. Give two reasons why the British adopted the system of indirect rule in Northern Nigeria (2mks)
17. Define the term the Egyptian question in the scramble and partition of Africa (1mk)
18. List two communes in Senegal where Assimilation was successfully applied (2mks)

SECTION B (45mks)
Answer any three questions
19. a) What factors led to the development of early agriculture in Mesopotamia? (5mks)
b) Explain five factors that have led to shortage of food in Third World countries (10mks)
20. a) Give three stages of evolution of man (3mks)
b) Describe six ways in which the discovery of fire improved man’s way of life (12mks)
21.a) Identify three ways in which water was used in industries during the 18th century (3mks)
b) Explain six social results of the Industrial revolution in Europe during the 18th century (12mks)
22.a) Identify five causes of Majimaji rebellion in 1905 – 1907 (5mks)
b) Why were the African communities defeated by the Germans during majimaji rebellion? (10mks)

SECTION C (30mks)
Answer any two questions
23.a) Identify 3 European powers that acquired colonies in Africa. (3mks)
b) Explain six reasons why the Lozi collaborated with the British during colonization (12mks)
24.a) Give three economic activities of the Baganda in the pre-colonial period (3mks)
b) Describe the political organization of the Buganda in the pre-colonial period (12mks)
25.a) Outline five reasons why SamoriToure’s second empire was not suitable (5mks)
b) Explain five factors that led to the defeat of SamoriToure by the French (10mks)


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