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Form 3 Physics Paper 3 End of Term 2 Examination 2022

Class: Form 3

Subject: Physics

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

You are provided with following apparatus
- A pendulum bob
- A cotton thread about1m long
- A retort stand and clamp
- A metre rule
- A stopwatch
- Two pieces of wood
- Vernier calipers(to be shared)
Proceed as follows
a) Using the vernier calipers measure the diameter of the pendulum bob. (1mk)
b) Clamp the pendulum as shown starting with L=80cm
c) Give the bob a small displacement and record the time t for 20 complete oscillations. Record also periodic time T for one complete oscillation.
d) Repeat the procedure above for values of L as shown in the table. Record and complete the table.(8marks)
e) Plot the graph of T2 against L(m)(5marks)
f) Determine the slope of the graph(3marks)
h) What is the significance of g.(1mark)

You are provided with the following apparatus:
- Ammeter
- Voltmeter
- Mounted resistance wire labeled W
- A new dry cell
- A cell holder
- 8 connecting wires
- A switch
a) Connect your apparatus as shown in the figure
b) Place the crocodile clip at L=10cm, close the switch S. Read and record the current and the P.d readings. (3mks)
Current (I) =……………A P.d (V) =………………….V Resistance=………………….Ω
c) Repeat the procedure in (b) for other values of L, and complete the table below. (5mks)
d) Plot a graph of p.d (V) against current (I) in the graph paper provided. (5mks)
e) Determine the slope S of the graph (3mks)
f) Given that the relationship between p.d (V) and current (I) supplied from the cell is given by the equation E=V+Ir, use your graph to determine the values of
i. E=………………… (1mk)
ii. r.=………………… (1mk


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