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Form 2 Business Studies End of Term 2 Examination 2022
Class: Form 2
Subject: Business Studies
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 2 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
Views: 848
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Exam Summary
1. Identify four disciplines that make-up Business studies.4MKS
2. State whether each of the following factors fall under external or internal business environment.
a. Law’s governing Business operations in Kenya
b. Share holders decisions
c. Changes in tax
d. Changes in population
3. Give four challenges faced in the satisfaction of human wants.4mks
4. Outline four characteristics of free resources.4mks
5. Highlight four reasons why the government involves itself in Business Activities.4mks
6. In the table below, match the descriptions with appropriate type of a partner.4mks

7. State four differences between goods and services.4mks
8. Outline four ways in which traders may exploit consumers.(4mks)
9. Outline four reasons why a trader may construct their own warehouse. .(4mks)
10. List four means of payment that a trader may use to effect payment.(4mks)
11. Highlight four merits of an open plan office layout .(4mks)
12. Outline any four features of Public Corporations. (4mks)
13. The table below shows different characteristics of production. Indicate whether each relate to direct or indirect production. 4mks

14. Identify any four gaps in the society that may give rise to a business opportunity.(4mks)
15. State four ways in which the government may regulate business activities.(4mks)
16. Highlight four roles of transport in promotion of trade. (4mks)
17. Highlight four reasons why letters continue to be used as a means of communication.(4mks)
18. Outline four roles played by Nairobi Stock Exchange market in Kenya’s economy.(4mks)
19. Identify the following types of warehouse having the following characteristics.
i. Holds tax free goods produced locally or imported
ii. Used to hold dutiable goods from within or outside the country.
iii. Goods can stay in store without the owner worrying about high storage charges or loss of goods.
iv. These warehouses are located at entry points, terminals and urban areas for hire by local traders.
20. Give four reasons why office documents should be filed.(4mks)
21. Outline four features of a supermarket .(4mks)
22. List four functions of an entrepreneur as a factor of production. (4mks)
23. State four barriers to effective communication. 4mks
24. Outline four circumstances under which non-verbal signs may be used.(4mks)
25. Identify four circumstances under which air transport would be suitable for a business.
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