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Form 2 History and Government End of Term 2 Examination 2022
Class: Form 2
Subject: History and Government
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 2 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
Views: 790
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Exam Summary
1. Identify the two areas of study in history. (2 mks)
2. Give three reasons why the study of government is important. (3 mks)
3. State four reasons why Africa is considered as the cradle of mankind. (4 mks)
4. Describe the way of life of the early man in the middle Stone Age Period. (5 mks)
5. State and explain two theories which try to explain the origin of agriculture. (4 mks)
6. Give the role of the council of elders among the Mijikenda community. (5 mks)
7. Identify five factors which enabled the early visitors to come to the Kenyan Coast before 1500 A.D. (5 mks)
8. Give the various factors that enabled Christian missionaries to spread Christianity in Kenya. (6 mks)
9. Which are the limitations of the right to life? (4 mks)
10. Identify three symbols of national unity in Kenya. (3 mks)
11. Explain the problems which were encountered by traders during the Tran-Saharan trade. (6 mks)
12. Give reasons why African slaves were preferred during the Trans Atlantic trade. (4 mks)
13. Name three ports in Africa that developed as a result of the Trans Atlantic trade. (3 mks)
14. What are the disadvantages of railway transport? (5 mks)
15. Give any four problems associated with the use of modern telecommunication facilities. (4 mks)
16. Explain six effects of iron working on African communities. (6 mks)
17. Identify the disadvantages of using coal as a source of industrial energy during the 19th century. (4 mks)
18. Give four inventions that improved textile manufacturing industry in Britain in the 18th century. (4 mks)
19. Explain five positive impact of the scientific inventions on medicine. (4 mks)
20. Identify six similar factors which have led to the USA, Germany and Japan to emerge as world industrial powers. (6 mks)
21. Identify six challenges which have contributed to the slow pace of industrialization in the third world countries. (6 mks)
22. Explain five factors which led to the growth of early urban centres in Africa. (5 mks)
23. Give two ways in which water was used as a source of energy during the industrial revolution. (2 mks)
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