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Form 2 English End of Term 2 Examination 2022

Class: Form 2

Subject: English

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 2 End Term 2 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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You traveled to South Africa three weeks ago for a business trip which would last for three years. Your younger brother who is in form three has sent you his end of term one results and to your surprise, he has drastically dropped. Write a letter to your elder who is at home requesting him to offer pieces of advice to your brother on the poor academic performance.

2.COMPREHENSION 20 MARKS Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow Substance Abuse has emerged in recent decades as a major concern both on and off the job. Although reasons vary, substance abuse can be a way that some people try to manage or reduce distress. But it is important to be clear on what is generally meant by a drinking problem. In all cases related to alcohol abuse, a common factor is the unfavorable effect alcohol has on the health or well-being of the drinker and his or her associates. Common signs and symptoms that frequently indicate a drinking problem include being constantly absent from work, causing on-the-job accidents and expressing grievances most of the time. Alcoholic employees can sometimes go undetected for years. Coworkers cover up for those unable to perform their jobs because of drunkenness. Even managers may be adept at concealing their alcohol abuse problems. Their secretaries or loyal associates may cover up for them. Alcoholics can be clever at inventing “credible” excuses when detected: “I must have a drink or two when I’m entertaining customers, of course.” Drug abuse, or drug addiction, exists when the taking of drugs, whether prescribed or non-prescribed, legal or illegal, causes difficulties in any area of an individual’s life. Years ago, the stereotype of the drug user was either of a glazed-eyed musician frantically beating his sticks on a tight skin or a person who dwelt in a slum. Mass publicity on drug abuse has long since caused that stereotype to fade from view. Complicating the ongoing war on drugs are changes in public attitude and drug-use patterns. It sometimes seems that no sooner is progress made in combating one illegal drug than a different kind of substance abuse comes into vogue. Ethyl alcohol was the social drug during prohibition (1920-1933), marijuana became the social drug of the 1960s and 1970s and some observers believe that crack cocaine and possibly ecstasy – another so-called upper – became the social drugs of the 1980s and 1990s. The drug of choice and people’s attitude toward them may change, but the problem of drug abuse appears to be continuing unabated.
Pinpointing the specific symptom of alcohol and drug abuse problems is not a simple task. A supervisor’s main responsibility therefore should not necessarily be uncovering evidence of dependency on alcohol and drugs but instead being observant for declining job performance. Yet there are certain behavioral patterns that some excessive users of alcohol and drugs display. These patterns can sometimes be spotted through simple observation. Increasingly though, employers are taking more aggressive steps to ferret out substance abuse among their workforces. A growing number of companies, especially large ones with many employees and those in business with potential to effect public health or safety, are adopting drug-testing programmes. The signs of alcohol dependency, unfortunately, do not always become manifest until the middle of the late stages of the problem. No wonder some managers have mistaken an employee’s euphoric appearance for the “look of love”. The earlier treatment begins, naturally, the earlier treatment begins, naturally, the easier it will be. A person could experience some isolated incidents of such drinking problems without necessarily being a alcoholic, however, alcohol abuse usually results in declining job performance. Because there are many symptoms of drug abuse, no one person would exhibit all of them and a supervisor should guard against assuming that the presence of one or more symptoms is conclusive of alcohol or drug abuse.
1. What is the main reason given for substance abuse? (2mks)
2. From paragraph two, state three ways in which alcohol abuse can unfavorably affect the workmate of a drunker? (3mks)
3. According to the passage, what is drug abuse? (2mks)
4. What was the common misconception about who a drug user was? (2mks)
5. Rewrite the following sentences using “as soon as” It sometimes seems that no sooner is progress made in combating one illegal drug than a different kind of substance abuse comes into vogue. (1mk)
6. What can we infer about “prohibition”? (2mks)
7. In not more than 55 words, summarize the reasons that make it difficult to effectively deal with substance abuse. (4mks)
8. Why do you think the author of the passage cautions supervisors against hastily concluding that one is a drug abuser? (2mks)
9. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (2mks) (i)credible_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (ii)stereotype_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

a. Study the oral literature below and answer the questions that follow. (10marks)
Teddy told Terry to tick ten tall ticks.
i. Identify the genre above. (1 marks)
ii. Which sound features has the above genre employed? Explain any three. (6marks)
iii. Give three functions of the genre above (3 marks)
b. Why is it important to respect people’s personal space? (5 marks)
c. Underline the silent letter in each of the following words. (4marks)
i. Fasten-
ii. Salmon-
iii. Logically-
iv. Reign-
d. Which word is pronounced as the each of the following? (2 marks)
i. World-
ii. War-
e. State whether you will use rising or falling intonation in each of the following sentences (2marks)
i. Come here!
ii. Did you see the teacher?

1. Use the correct preposition to fill in the blanks below (4marks)
i. The students were doubtful ___________________ the issue of assured security in the school compound.
ii. He was attached _________________ the robbery case.
iii. The student was told to admit __________ the mistake or being expelled from school.
iv. Her father finally agreed to insure his tractor ________ against the accident
2. Join the following sentences using appropriate coordinating conjunction. (3marks)
i. I love to travel. I hate travelling by water.
ii. He arrived at school late. He left home early.
iii. You should go to bed now. You will be tired tomorrow.
3. Underline the noun phrases in each of the following sentences. (3marks)
a. He wishes to see the president.
b. My best friend is Jeff.
c. The girl in black dress is my girlfriend.
4. Complete the sentences below using the most appropriate indefinite pronoun.
a. Does ________________ know her?
b. We will get you ___________________ you are. You can’t hide for long.
5. Change the following sentences into passive voice. (3marks)
a. The mechanic changed the flat tire.
b. They will send her a dismissal letter.
c. The terrible news shocked everyone.


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