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Form 3 Paper 1 CRE End of Term 3 Examinations 2021

Class: Form 3

Subject: CRE

Level: High School

Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 3 Exams

Document Type: Pdf


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Exam Summary

Name…………………………………………………………………. Adm No………………
PAPER 1 313/1
Answer FIVE questions in the answer booklet provided
1. a) Identify Eight creations that God made using the divine command ‘’ let there be’’ Genesis 1 (8mks)
b) Explain the Biblical teaching on the origin of Sin in the World (7mks)
c) Give Five reasons why Christians should forgive others (5mks)
2. a) What was the importance of the covenant between God and Abraham (7mks)
b) How did God show His Mercy to the Israelites during the exodus? (7mks)
c) How do people break the commandment ‘’DO not Kill’’ in the society today? (6mks)
3. a) Outline Seven promises of God to David through prophet Nathan (7mks)
b) Explain the factors that led to the contest between prophets of Baal at Mt. Camel (7mks)
c) Give reasons why a leader may be rejected in the society today (6mks)
4. a) Outline the importance of prophets in the nation of Israel. (7mks)
b) Explain seven teachings of prophet Amos about the day of the Lord. (7mks)
c) Explain how the church punishes errant members. (6mks)
5. a) Explain the symbols used during the call of prophet Jeremiah. (6mks)
b) Outline the message of prophet Jeremiah in his letter to the exiles. (Jeremiah 29:1 – 14) (7mks)
c) Explain ways in which Christians can avoid God’s punishment today. (7mks)
6. a) Identify Seven factors that promote harmony and social responsibility in traditional African Communities (7mks)
b) Mention Seven factors that influence the naming of children in African Traditional Society (7mks)
c) Show how modern trends have affected burial rites in African Traditional Society. (6mks)


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