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Grade 3 Music Activities End of Term 3 Examinations 2022
Class: Grade 3
Subject: Music Activities
Level: Primary School
Exam Category: Grade 3 End Term 3 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
TERM 3 2022
Answer if the following are True or False
1. The national anthem has two verses (TRUE/FALSE)
2. I love Kenya. What type of a song is this?
3. ( Sacred, patriotic, lullaby) ( 2 marks)
4. A folk song is a traditional song(TRUE/FALSE)
5. “Baby shark” is a lullaby song(TRUE/FALSE)
6. We sing sacred songs to praise God(TRUE/FALSE)
7. “Head, shoulder knees and toes” is not an action song(TRUE/FALSE)
8. Why do we stand when singing national anthem _____( to show respect, to do exercise)
9. Pupils in school sing while skipping a rope. Which types of song is this__________(sacred song, action song )
10. Guitar is classified under which type of instrument________( percussion, wind, string)
11. Name three types of songs
a. _________________
b. _________________
c. _________________
12. In which verses of the National anthem do we find the following lines
A. “ilete Baraka kwetu, haki iwe ngao na mlinzi__________________
B. Na tujenge taifa letu, e ndio wajibu wetu ___________________
C. Tuungane mikono, pamoja kazini
13. Name the music instruments below

14. Name any two musical in your locality (2 marks)
15. Complete the Kenya National Anthem Below (5 marks)
Ee Mungu __________ yetu,
Ilete baraka __________,
Haki iwe ________ na ________
Natukae na undugu,
Amani na ___________
Raha tupate na ustawi.
16. Name the type of song we sing for children in order for them to sleep. (1 mark)
17. State any two wind instruments in your mother tongue (2 marks)
18. Perform a traditional song of your choice while paying attention to the following
a. Rhythm (5 marks)
b. Melody (4 marks)
c. Dance movements (3 marks)
d. Use of musical instruments (2 marks)
e. Observing safety of self and others while dancing (3 marks)
f. Use of space in dancing (3 marks)
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