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Form 3 Geography Paper 2 End of Term 3 Examination 2021
Class: Form 3
Subject: Geography
Level: High School
Exam Category: Form 3 End Term 3 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
▪ This paper consists of two sections; section A and section B.
▪ Answer all questions in section A. In section B answer question 6 and any other two questions.
▪ All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.
▪ Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are indicated and that no question are missing
1. a. Define statistics (2mks)
b. Give three uses of statistics (3mks)
2. a) Identify the two types of photographs (2mks)
b) State three advantages of using photographs as a technique of recording data (3mks)
3. a) Name two areas where gold is mined in South Africa (2mks)
b) State three types of minerals (3mks)
4. a) State two factors that influence the distribution and types of natural forests. (2mks)
b) State three problems facing the growth of softwood forests in anada. (3mks)
5. (a) Differentiate between a reconnaissance and a working schedule? (2mks)
(b) Give three importances of a working schedule. (3mks)
Answer question 6 and any other two questions in this section
6. The table below shows the distribution of minerals in a country x in tonnes. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a) Draw proportional divided circles to represent the above data using a scale of 1cm represents 4 tonnes.(12mks)
b) Name two other ways in which the above data can be represented. (2mks)
c) State two advantages of using proportional divided circles to represent data. (2mks)
d) Identify 3 methods of mining. (3mks)
e) State two uses of diamond. (2mks)
f) State four economic benefits of mining to the economy of South Africa. (4mks)
7. (a) i) Define agro-forestry. (1mk)
(ii) List two species of indigenous hardwood forest trees in Kenya. (2mks
(b) Give the differences in the exploitation of softwood forests in Kenya and Canada under the following sub-headings;
i) Distribution of forests; (2mks)
ii) Transportation (2mks)
(c) Name four forest reserves found in Kenya. (4mks)
(d) (i) what is forest conservation (2mks)
(ii)State four significance of forestry in Kenya (4mks)
(e) Explain four factors that favour the exploitation of softwood forests in Canada. (8mks)
8. a) List three types of fieldwork (3mks)
b) Students from your school carried out a field study in a market.
i) list down the normal pattern that the fieldwork procedure takes (5mks)
ii) Give five activities the students will require to do before going for the fieldwork (5mks)
iii) State three objectives of the study (3mks)
iv) List three problems they are likely to encounter during the study. (3mks)
v) Prepare a working schedule to be used during the study (4mks)
vi) List two follow-up activities that the students could have been involved in (2mks)
9. a. i. Define the term mining. (2 mks)
ii. State three ways in which minerals occur. (3 mks)
b. i. State and explain 4 factors that influence the occurrence and exploitation of minerals. (8 mks)
ii. Explain any two methods employed in underground mining. (4 mks)
c. i. State 4 effects of mining in the environment. (4 mks)
ii. Highlight 4 problems facing mining in Kenya. (4 mks)
10. a. i. Define the term forest. (2 mks)
ii. Explain five uses of forests and forest products in Kenya. (10 mks)
b. i. Outline any 4 problems facing forestry in Kenya. (4 mks)
ii. Highlight five forest conservation measures commonly used in Kenya. (5 mks)
c. State four characteristics of soft wood forests in Canada. (4mks)
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