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Grade 5 Home Science End of Term 3 2022
Class: Grade 5
Subject: Home Science
Level: Primary School
Exam Category: Grade 5 End Term 3 Exams
Document Type: Pdf
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Exam Summary
TERM 3 2022
NAME…………………………………………………………………….GRADE ………………………….
HOME SCIENCE (25 marks)
1. Outline three changes that take place in girls during adolescence .(3mks)
2. Making cleaning materials and tools from locally available materials is called __________________(1mk)
3. Write the names of the following cleaning materials(2mks)
4. Give one specific change that only occurs to boys during adolescent (1mk)
5. Name two factors that you consider when choosing what clothes to wear(2mks)
6. State two uses of pockets in clothes(2mks)
7. Give three positive leisure activities for a healthy living (3mks)
8. Identify three surfaces found at home (3mks)
9. Identify one equipment used for cleaning surfaces at home. (1mk)
10. What is a disease? (2mks)
11. List two communicable diseases(2mks)
12. Name three types of media used in advertisement (3mks)
13. Give examples of food sources in each case(3mks)

14. Name two nutritional deficiencies and disorders (2mks)
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